

Throw your artwork into the Art Bin, a container to dispose of art!

What is the Art Bin?Show details

The Art Bin is an artwork by the British artist, Michael Landy. This work, which is 7 meters tall and 7.8 meters wide and shaped like an oversized bin, will be installed in the grand gallery of Yokohama Museum of Art during Yokohama Triennale 2014.
Anybody who has artworks that have failed to succeed or have not had the opportunity to be exhibited in public, or any other artworks that need to be thrown away can bring them and throw them into the bin.

Why a Bin?Show details

Objects that are exhibited in art museums and galleries are identified as “artworks.” They are destined to shape the canon and discourse of art history. However, objects that have failed to be exhibited or have been destroyed for a reason are forgotten from history, as if they had never existed.
Michael Landy’s Art Bin is a bin that contains ‘forgotten art history,’ and a ‘container of oblivion.’
Masterpieces are not the only artworks that create the world of art. Objects of art that have failed to be exhibited, failed to be completed, failed to be kept in the studio, along with all the trials-and-errors that have occurred during the process of their production all partake in the process of producing a masterpiece. It does not matter whether the artist is famous or not, nor whether the artwork is successful or not. All the human endeavors for expression contribute to laying the cornerstone of art. Your piece of artwork, which you may think is a failure, is not an exception.

Why not take part?Show details

The Art Bin project needs participants like you.
Professionals, students, amateurs, and others who are interested in art and who has artworks in their possession... Individuals, school groups, a group of colleagues from a workplace who have artworks to throw into the bin... We welcome participation from all walks of life.
We are waiting for you to participate in the Art Bin
Artistic Director, Yokohama Triennale 2014

*About Michael Landy

Art Bin at South London Gallery(2010)


  • *Age 15 year old or older. (Minors under the age of 20 are required to submit a Parent Consent Form signed by their parents.)
  • *The artist himself/herself.
■Artworks that will be accepted
  • *Artworks that have been produced by the participant and owned by the participant.
  • *Artworks with dimensions of 180×210cm (door size of YMA) or smaller.
  • *Artworks that do not require special equipment and machinery to move inside museum.
【Artworks that will be rejected】

Performance / Film, CD, DVD and other media that requires equipment to complete the work / Instructions only / Works other than visual art, such as music notes and novel / Artworks that use raw and dangerous material
Michael Landy and the Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale hold the right to judge the artwork as not appropriate for disposal and reject the application.

■To Apply
  • *If you wish to participate, please fill in the application form. The application form will be screened by Michael Landy and the Organizing Committee for Yokohama Triennale (hereinafter, the Organizer). The applicant will receive an e-mail to inform the date and time of participation.
  • *Disposal of artwork will take place between August 1 and November 3 (excluding closed dates, every first and third Thursdays). at the Grand Gallery of Yokohama Museum of Art from 11:00 to 17:00. Please apply 10 days prior to your preferred date of participation.
■Other Rules for Participation
  • *Please hand-carry the artwork for disposal and bring it to the site at the designated time of the participation date. The Organizer will not provide transportation fee, or receive artworks before the designated date, or by courier.
  • *If you wish to come by car, please use the pay car park of the Yokohama Museum of Art. The toll is 500 yen for the first 90 minutes, and 250 yen per additional 30 minutes.
  • *All artworks will be scrapped as waste after the exhibition close date, and cannot be returned once disposed in the Art Bin.
  • *The artwork and your name will be disclosed through Yokohama Triennale 2014 official website, SNS, and official documentation.
  • *The Organizer, media, and visitors are allowed to take photos and video documentation of the participant’s action and artworks for publicity, documentation, and printed material.
  • *You are requested to sign the “Agreement for Participating in the Art Bin” prior to participating in this event.